10:30 AM
Join us this Sunday! Click for directions.
9:00 AM until 10:00 AM
Providence Presbyterian Church exists to make disciples and works to see every man, woman, and child in the world trusting Jesus Christ.
To accomplish this we will...
ENGAGE in relationships with people who are new to us;
EQUIP each other to love and serve Jesus Christ;
EMPOWER one another to own and expand our ministries.
Who We Are
We believe the Bible is Truth.
Our worship service, guided by the Bible, provides an opportunity for each of us to abandon our will to God’s.
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Our highest goal is to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Providence Presbyterian Church supports mission efforts at home, nationally, and around the world. We are committed to supporting missions that “make disciples.”
Get Connected
Bible studies, Small groups, Events, Social gatherings
Providence Presbyterian Church is accurately described as a Reformed and Presbyterian Church. This means that first and foremost, Providence is a Church.
A Church is a gathering of men, women, and children who profess faith in Jesus Christ. The Bible calls the members of a Church “disciples.”
A disciple is someone who follows the person of Jesus Christ.
Providence seeks to be a Church made up of people following Jesus.
Providence is distinctively Presbyterian. The word “Presbyterian” is a Greek word meaning “elder.” The Bible instructs the Church to be led by elders who are men with high moral and doctrinal integrity. These men are trained and examined before beginning the work of leading the Church. These elders are to lead by example and service: helping the members of the Church trust Jesus more and more.
Finally, Providence Presbyterian is a “Reformed” Church. In the 16th century Christians throughout Europe recovered the Bible’s teaching. John Calvin in Switzerland, and John Knox in Scotland were two of the men God used to articulate how the Church should follow Scripture. Five points of doctrine began to define Reformed thought. These are sometimes called the Solas (which is the Latin word for “alone.”)
1) The Bible alone is the final authority in the believer’s life.
2) Man is saved through faith alone.
3) Man is saved by grace alone.
4) Jesus Christ alone is the Lord and Savior of mankind.
5) Man is to live for the glory of God alone.
Refuge Ministries
If you answered “yes” to two or more of the questions on this flyer, you may be in an abusive relationship. Domestic abuse is a form of oppression. It occurs when a person controls and dominates their partner through a variety of behaviors, including intimidation, manipulation, and verbal assault. Violence is often involved, but a person does not have to be violent for a relationship to be abusive. The Refuge PA is a ministry of Providence Presbyterian Church that helps survivors of domestic abuse find redemption from oppression.
Click here for contact information and to learn more about Refuge Ministries.