Community Opportunities
Home Helps Summer Work Camps
Home Helps has four York County Work Camps each year and participates in Lancaster County's Go Beyond week of Service. The camps are designed to repair homes that have significant need.
Home Helps York City Work Camp - July 7-12, 2019
Click for: Fact Sheet | Volunteer App | Ways to Serve
Home Helps Northeast Work Camp - July 28-August 2, 2019
Click for: Fact Sheet | Volunteer App | Ways to Serve
Homeowners and communities are seeing the hands and feet of Christ at work while home maintenance and repairs are lovingly provided to our brothers and sisters in need. God not only blesses our homeowners during these work camps, but also the volunteers who interact with the homeowner and work side by side serving Christ. Volunteers are able to experience a mission trip in their own communities.
Please prayerfully consider joining Home Helps as we step out in faith to be the “light of Christ” for our homeowners in need. Email for more information or for a volunteer application. Applications must be received THREE weeks prior to the workcamp.